Category Archives: pet rats

Life Update: Gigs, Happiness & Positivity

Gonna make this a quick one as it’s not been long since I last posted an update, but I wanted to talk about a couple of positive things! I am 100% genuinely unbreakably happy, for the first time in a long long time 😀 

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I am currently looking into putting on my Rock Nights at a selection of different venues around Southampton. We shall see how that goes!
So far I have 12th October at The Stage Door, 14th December at The Joiners and 29th March at The Heartbreakers.
I really want to start to get them up and running; I’d also really love to do a “women of rock” sort of gig as well; there’s so many awesome female bands out there.
All I say for now is to watch this space for sure.
10th August 2019 is my festival : “RockFest” – so keep your ear to the ground for that one.

It’s also been thrown around about the possibility of putting on a joint show with Mark Christansen of Total Entertainment South Wales. Mark said he is up for it…so who knows! 😀

In the meantime, bands please do keep pestering me and popping up… ask for shows, send me your music. I love it, I really do, even if it takes me a little while I’ll always get back to you. Bands who’ve already asked for shows – I’ve not forgot you, I really am just working out line-ups etc, so if I’ve said I’ll get you a slot… I will. Promise. ❤
I think I underestimate myself A LOT. I always think no one wants to play my shows, then I get like 20 bands hit me up haha. Like my festival… over 200 bands have applied….. like…. HOW?!

On this note also, I’m getting involved in my friend Rowena’s project. She wants to start a magazine for alternative people – I absolutely love writing, as you can see, so I kindly offered my ‘skills’ and I’m currently bulk writing a bunch of stuff for her so she can pick and choose what she likes.


My boys are absolutely gorgeous – although they have melted in this heat! They’ve got used to me now, and they actually love me haha! Billy is still my boy – I dunked him in some water the other day, to try get him used to it… no one has ever clung on to me that tight before; however, he loves it now. He gives kisses, he’s a sucker for attention. Tedster is cage protective, but outside the cage he’s absolutely fine – but if I say “careful, because Teddy bites”, I do mean it, please don’t stick your fingers in the cage. Some rats just have personalities like that, like all animals… it’s fine, he ain’t aggressive 🙂 Can’t say either of them are a lover of this heat wave though.

They are still the best decision I have made this year. They’ve made my life so much more bearable and fulfilling. ❤


With Kyle Hughes and Michael McCrystal @ The Anvil

Gigs I have been to over the last few months include: 2 Rolling Stones gigs, and of course my very own Marco Mendoza show.
Massive thank you to The Kut, Hightown Parade & The Wilderpeople who played at the Anvil as support for Marco – it sold out! FUCK YEA! Was an amazing night, and a huge thanks to those of my friends who came for moral support – you’re beautiful.
I didn’t get to fully enjoy the Stones gig in Southampton, just because my mind was on other things and I wasn’t relaxed enough to fully take it in; however, the Cardiff gig was absolute perfection… and quite honestly stuck all my broken pieces back together in one incredibly smooth swoop.

I may quite possibly going to be taking up travelling to gigs again! I miss my pals, and I’m feeling a lot more ME. I’m coming back I PROMISE! I’m trying to save money at the moment, so that I can actually start hopping on trains and going to anywhere I want without having to think too hard about it – like the good old times!

However… saying that…. I did bugger off to Birmingham quite last minute. Took myself off to see the Stop Stop boys with Jolly Joker and Sykko Dolls. I’ve not seen my Stop Stop boys for 10 months!!! Which is beyond INSANE! They were brilliant as always; I didn’t realise how much I missed them until I saw them again ❤


I’ve been practicing mindfulness – it is quite rewarding. I’ve started going to zumba classes, going on walks, started seeing the people who actually make the effort to see me or phone to check in if we’ve not spoke for a while, really concentrating on getting these gigs up and running etc. I’m in such a good place mentally, like fresh air.

I’ve completely acknowledged the fact that towards the end of last year, and most of this year I’ve just been a really shitty person. I made so many mistakes, and wish I could go back in time and just not make them – but that isn’t possible. All I can do is accept the fact that I totally 100% fucked up big time, and just do everything in my power not to do those things ever again and to be a better person, and the best version of myself.
You can’t even begin to get better, if you don’t accept your wrongs first.

I also met up with a few friends, who I had not seen in a long long time. We went to the beach, got ourselves a McDonald’s, it was a proper banging night! Helped bring a lot of closure as well. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, and I can finally breathe.

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There honestly isn’t much to update you on, other than… I’m in a good place and trying to improve on myself. Simples! My next sort of update will be my yearly “blog to future Jodie” in August… so keep a look out for that one. ❤

I hope you guys have enjoyed getting updated! Keep yourself happy, put yourself first, love yourself, appreciate life around you, and just breeeaaaatthhheee…. things may suck right now, but there is always a positive somewhere in there if you dig deep enough – relish in that… even if it seems stupid to others. TRUST ME ❤

Keep an eye out for me on my social media – keep on bugging me, I love it! Tell me what bands you wanna see play… or even reach out just if you need someone to talk to 🙂
INSTAGRAM – JodieBowie
FACEBOOK – JodieBowie

See you soon lovelies ❤

Jodie x ❤ x

Mica drawing

Life Update : Gigs, Holiday & Happiness.

Yo! I reckon it’s time for another Life Update blog. Feel free to be nosey, have a laugh, feel inspired…….. go for it! ❤


I had a little mini-break away. I wrote a blog back in November where I wrote something about Cardiff feeling more like home, than my actual home…….. that strangely still remains true. Not entirely sure why, but I feel a lot more, like a weight is off my shoulders whenever I’m in the land of Wales. I got to hang out with Herm and Dan, and my friend Luke. Was lovely! I love my Welsh pals so much.
Was also nice to see Family again, I did want to make that a goal of 2018, but I think I’m such a black sheep of the family that, it’s not a massively bad thing that I don’t see them as often as I’ve gotten older.


JodieBowie Badges

Well… I now have merch! Haha… I know, but I thought it was a kind of cute idea and I want to try and start making these “Rock Nights” and blogs a proper thing, if that makes sense. I’m selling them online & at gigs for £2 each – and it’ll help towards me putting on more shows with all kinda of artists and who knows, perhaps get me putting together a festival (that is my dream)!

My total goal/ambition is to have people/bands see my logo somewhere, and go “oh that’s JodieBowie”

In all honesty, it’s so strange that day in day out I’m getting all sorts of bands coming to me for advice, sending me press packages, asking for shows, asking to be a part of my “band chat” series…you name it, I’ve probably been asked it! It is my absolute dream and goal in life…. but it also feels so surreal that these bands want MY help and advice. Makes me a very happy bunny; I’m obviously doing something right. Thank you! ❤

I’ve decided this ‘JodieBowie’ blog, is going to be purely music related. Music is where my heart lays and where I wanna go, so I’m going to be a little more grown up and blog about music. Don’t worry, it’ll still be fun! There will still be life updates as well, that isn’t a vain thing, I just know that quite a few people like reading them and usually are my most viewed blogs. HOWEVER, I’m starting up “Band Chat”s which will be a monthly blog, and is a Q&A style blog with musicians. Coming up in that series so far will be Beth Blade, Saints of Sin, Mason Hill, Wicked Jackals, Bigfoot ETC…. so keep an eye out, there’s some pretty awesome responses. I will also be doing “Top 10 Songs” by my childhood favourites… that may not always be monthly; but I am continuing “Top 5 Songs of the Month”.


If I have any advice for anyone, then it would be to stay focused on what you are passionate about and accept the support offered to you when you need it.

You know what; I do actually feel kinda ready to love again. I can’t say I’m actively looking for it, but if it comes along, I want to see where it goes. That’s all I’m saying for now in case I end up jinxing something and end up a lonely crazy rat lady haha.

So, it’s been ages since I’ve mentioned ickle Billy & Teddy. They were castrated back in March… bless them. Teddy is still a biter, but Billy is absolutely gorgeous; he’s a proper Mummy’s boy and gets excited to see me – he’s also started licking my hand too when I stroke him ❤
Not really much to say apart from the fact that I love them and they’re so cute and add something else to my little life.
It’s funny because most people who get broken up with go out and get wasted, I just went and bought pet rats haha! Honestly, I don’t know what I would do without them ❤


I’ve had quite a few bands come to me lately and either say “we miss seeing you at gigs so much!” or “We’re so happy to see that you’re finally happy again!” – you guys are so sweet! I promise I’m going to be getting my little backside back to some shows again very soon; some bands I haven’t seen for over 8 months – which is insane! There are many factors as to why I’ve been distant on the gig front; the main reason why is because I have just not been myself. The last time I was my 100% true self was at The Dead Daisies in Bristol – but with my new found happiness, I’m pretty much back to being that cheeky, smiley, happy, enthusiastic little rocker I usually am 😉
As for being happy that I am happy… thank you! I’m glad I’m back smiling and laughing again too ❤

Coming up gig wise: on the 3rd June at the Anvil in Bournemouth I have organised a show for Marco Mendoza of the Dead Daisies, with support from The Kut, Hightown Parade & The Wilderpeople. I feel very honored that Marco let me put together this lineup; for someone of his status to have complete trust in me…. means a lot!

The 10th August, I have my very first official JodieBowie Rock Night at the Talking Heads in Southampton with Saints of Sin, Our Propaganda and The Wilderpeople ❤ I’m so excited!! Hope it leads to more Rock Nights and more opportunities. Never want to slow down.

Lastly, I have been given the thumbs up to organise a festival in August 2019. That is one of my biggest dreams; and I have to say I’m proud of myself for using a lot of my negative energy to do something really positive.

30725833_1997949423557539_457335608101044224_n  Rock Night

Hope you enjoyed this blog, I wanted to keep it simple and quick but also update you a little bit on the blogging/music side of my life as well as some of the personal stuff.

Don’t forget to check me out on social media, give me a cheeky follow, leave me a comment, get in touch 🙂
INSTAGRAM – JodieBowie
FACEBOOK – JodieBowie
or email me at

Keep on rocking! Seeya in the next blog !

Jodie x ❤ x

Mica drawing



Because I’m Happy :)

Let’s share the positivity … this chick is HAPPY! and here is a blog as to why.


I have so many awesome things coming up which I am so looking forward to.
My bestfriend Emma is coming down from Didcot to stay with me for a weekend… going to be awesome tearing up Bournemouth with my Mod. I’m seeing the Dead Daisies in Bristol supported by The Treatment. I’m also taking her along to that, she’s a mod so her reaction to John Corabi is going to be a card 😛
Me and Emma have also booked a weekend away in Cardiff; which is going to be amazing! I love Cardiff, it is a beautiful city, and to just get away with an awesome chick is going to be so worthwhile. I genuinely cannot wait to see my Welshies and make some memories ❤
I’ve also bagged myself tickets for The Rolling Stones in Cardiff << genuinely can’t think of anything better! (yes, I’ll also be at the one in Southampton).

I’m a lot closer with my Nan than I have ever been, since staying at hers for a week in Didcot. She’s a family member that I have realised I actually really need, and appreciate having her in my life.

I don’t have many, but the ones I do have are bloody beautiful. The support some of them have given me recently has been phenomenal. I am so lucky to know such kind hearted and wonderful people, that just want to see me be happy. I couldn’t ask for better pals. I may have few friends, but the few I have are worth far more than having millions of friends who don’t care. I really do have some of the best friends on the planet, I’m one lucky girl ❤


I am looking to start moving my Rock Nights to a different venue, or possibly branching out to other venues around the South. I also want to work with bands that are not necessarily local, but have a talent I’d like to share with the Bournemouth/Southampton area. I have my ideas! Feel free to get in touch with me though, and tell me what bands you would like to see at my Rock Nights – I am up for a challenge!
I am also back doing some paid work at the Memorial Centre, finally, which is great.
There is a few possibilities that I will also be starting an NVQ course… which to me is rather exciting.
My good friend has also asked me to be part of a podcast, and I’ve said yes! So that could be super interesting 😉
Gosh, there’s so many projects I’m getting involved in – another friend of mine has asked me to join forces with “Razor Metal Reviews”; so I have my fingers in many pies right now!
I am also going to try and put more effort into this blog, and maybe start videos if that is something you guys would like to see? Please let me know.

I treated myself to a phone upgrade. It was due an upgrade anyway; but I decided to go for the best upgrade I could get… because, everyone deserves a treat now and then. Worked out pretty well actually, as my new contract is a lot cheaper than it was for my old phone, but I’ve got a far far better phone. How that works I am not sure, but THANKS! I now have a Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus, in orchid grey. I have the same mobile number also, thank goodness… I love my phone number; I can actually remember it!

Yeaaa… Imma try and be vegetarian again. Let’s see how long I can keep it up for this time.
I have also lost about a stone and a half of weight. Which I am personally loving! I was petite anyway, but now I’m just slim, which I feel more confident about.
I’ve also started taking walks, and doing a couple of old dance routines to keep me active. It’s rather lush to get out into the fresh air you know.
I am also completely off my Fluoxetine/Prozac, and I haven’t taken Zopiclone for over a month – go me!!


Of course I got two rats, if you didn’t already know. Billy and Teddy. They are absolute treasures, as well as little shits. I am so glad I got them; definitely one of the best decisions I have made in a long time. I’m not sure if I’d get anymore in the future. For now, I am happy with my Bills and Teds, and I’m more than happy if they are my first and last ratties. Not only are they just wonderful creatures in general, but they have given me a purpose. I have 2 little lives that are dependent on me, to feed them, clean them, play with them, spend time with them, look after to them etc, and they are giving me something to focus on other than myself. I will admit, I was quite selfish at one point in my life, and couldn’t understand why some peoples commitments were so important. Now I have a commitment of my own now. I can’t just bugger off as and when I feel like it, as no one else is going to look after my boys. I have to plan things, and save up money, and negotiate/compromise; which isn’t as bad as I thought! I am so thankful to my little ratties for helping me become a better person each and everyday.

I paid for some online counselling; and the service is incredible. It was a real life changer/turner for me. I’ve never felt so positive in my life, nor have I ever felt this happy. It is a specific counselling service, and it is also American, so is a tiny bit pricey, but the reviews are amazing and the help I have so far received has been worth every penny. Their services have been proven to be very successful.
I think I am on the waiting list for further one to one/face to face counselling in my area. Which again will be a specific counselling service, but I’m feeling open minded and confident that it will make a massive difference to my life and my health.

In all honesty, I am just a genuinely more happy, positive and confident person. I have fixed myself, seen a direction I have wanted to take, and have become more settled within myself as a person. I have realised mistakes I have made, and come to terms with the fact that most of the time I was quite a selfish person, with a very closed mind unless it involved stuff to do with me. That is not who I want to be anymore.
I was self centered to the point, that I didn’t care who or if I hurt anyone by my actions, because I wanted opportunities no matter what. I did come across as heartless and ungrateful on a lot of occasions; all I can do is apologise.
I have also had a lot of time to just ‘do me’ and do my own thing; managed to come to terms with the fact I do actually validate myself.

I hope you have enjoyed this lengthy piece, haha, and that maybe it has inspired you to change or do things differently too. Change is good people, change is very good… don’t be scared of it, embrace it.

Don’t forget to leave a comment, and to follow me on social media.
Instagram – JodieBowie
Facebook – JodieBowie

‘See you soon dolls ❤


A Month with Billy & Teddy <3

It has been a whole month since I got my adorable little boys! I think they deserve an ickle blog to celebrate the cuteness and also how they have impacted my life in general ❤ 


Little munchkins ❤

Billy and Teddy are my two little ratties. I got them on the 8th February 2018. I love them more than anything in the world, they have brought so much happiness to my life that I will never regret owning them.. ever! They are here to stay.

1. Pet rats are known to help their owners with depression, anxiety, PTSD and even autism.
2. They are very clean animals, and are actually cleaner than cats.
3. Rats are really great swimmers.
4. They may be small, but have BIG personalities.
5. They love to form a bond with their human/owner.
6. Rats make happy ‘laughter’ sounds when they play.
7. Rats actually have a pretty varied diet.
8. Rats have amazing memories, and can recognise a person they have seen before.
9. A rats teeth never stop growing.
10. They are not as gross and scary as you think they are.

1. Do they smell? – Not as bad as my dog!
2. Do they bite? – Uhm, not really. Teddy is a biter/snatcher… but I don’t think he means to hurt, he’s just being curious/over excited.
3. Do they keep you awake at night? – From someone who suffers insomnia, no not at all.
4. How did you get your parents to agree to have them? – I didn’t. I bought them with my own money, and told me that I WILL look after them, they are my animals and I’ll pay for their needs. They didn’t say anything after that. They don’t like them though haha.
5. Are you not scared of them? – Uh…. NO.


Sweetie pie 🙂

Nicknames: Bills Bills Bills, Billy Bae, Babey

Personality: He is an absolute sweetheart, who is impossible not to love. He’s captured my heart and is a proper Mummy’s boy. He’s always poking his little nose through the bars to say hello to me. He’s just cute and adorable… he’s my love ❤

Fave treat: Pasta!!

Fave toy: Lave ledge. He stands on it to look at me all the time.

Fave place to sleep: Rope hammock

Cute moment: He licked my tears away after I had a bit of a ‘moment’. Was so adorable.


Sniff Sniff

Nicknames : Tedster, Teddy Bear, Bear

Personality : Mr. Grumpy guts. He likes to do his own thing and kind of be left to it. However, he is the first out of the cage. He’s a massive foodie, and also quite temperamental. Some times he’ll be all over you, and others he’ll make it clear he doesn’t want to be social with you.

Fave treat: Peanut butter!

Fave toy: Kong! (you hide treats in it)

Fave place to sleep: Sputnik

Cute moment: He took a big chunk of peanut butter and just looked like a greedy guts.

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I think my friends actually like them as much as I do because they see how happy they make me. People used to ask me how I am all the time, now they ask how the boys are… so cute! The best comment I have had is “I don’t like rats, but yours are cute” haha ❤

I really don’t know what I would do without my babies, I really don’t. I strongly do believe I wouldn’t still be around if I didn’t have them. I think it was fate and some sort of destiny that brought them into my life; and I will be forever grateful to my bundles of happiness for making me smile each and every day ❤ Love you beans! ❤

Make sure to go and follow me on social media to see more of my ratties 🙂
FACEBOOK: JodieBowie
INSTAGRAM : JodieBowie

Seeya next time x

Jodie x



Rattie Introductions

I thought it would be rather sweet to sum up my rats personalities in a little blog. Ultimately they are both little shits (I mean that with the up-most of affections), but they both have characters of their own….. and it’s real hard to pick a favourite!! 

First of all, I renamed them. Del Boy & Rodney just didn’t suit them. After a week of just staring at them blankly, I just knew that their new names should be Billy & Teddy… ❤


Billy Bae ❤

Billy is the quieter one of the two. He quite likes to keep himself to himself; but has recently began to love exploring. He is also super skinny!! Billy is my bae ❤ he’s so adorable, he even comes to see me when I come home late at night, no treat needed! He’ll let me stroke him a lot when he’s asleep, and if you sing slow songs, he’ll curl into a ball and fall asleep… it’s heart melting!! He mostly sleeps in the rope hammock or under the sputnik. He is quite skittish to start with, but he’s also really laid back now. He used to hate being touched, now he loves it, especially when he’s sleepy. He’s also a huge pasta lover – so he’s totally a rat after my heart.


Teddy… he’s the climber!! He’s also a moody little sod. I swear he has multiple personality disorder. Sometimes he loves me, with and without food as a reward… and sometimes he genuinely hates me and will either bite me or hide. He is a big foodie, he even steals food from Billy and runs away and hides it for later. I named him Teddy cos he’s like a mini bear… and he’s got a big butt! Teddy likes to bite/nibble my nails. He likes to sleep in the chocolate orange box my Dad gave them to play with – I thought I lost him the other day, but he was just asleep in the cardboard box! He likes to hide. It’s is thing. Hiding and climbing… and eating!! He was also the first to boogle. I’m actually having a few slight problems with Teddy at the moment, as in he has bitten me, and does bite A LOT. I think it is just a territorial thing, but I’m working super hard to get him to stop. He is totally fine with Billy, just bites me.
Me & Teddy don’t always get along, but he is the one who is most likely to climb on me and was the first one to do so……. he’s just my grumpy little man. ❤

It sounds bizarre, but having them in my room has actually helped me sleep a lot! It’s like, I know there is someone else in the room so I’m not lonely anymore. Although they are still going through the play-fighting stage and make quite a bit of noise…it’s still really comforting to go to sleep to those noises. I guess I feel safer. Safer in my house, safer in myself…..
I no longer feel the need to be in pain, they’ve helped with my insomnia, they’ve given me a purpose and something I have to do, I just sit and watch them, talk to them, they make me feel like I’m no longer alone, I get to see them every single day, when I’m down I’ll sit by the cage and they’ll just climb on me and sniff me.

We may not always see eye to eye… but they are still my little babies, and I love them a lot ❤

Gimme tips and tricks about your pet rats! Would love some advice. What are your ratties like?
Leave a comment down below, or get in touch via my social media.

P.S I will be doing a “Meet My Rats” blog; which will include a lot more rat specific info once they are fully tame and settled…. and I genuinely have some advice to give!!

Besos!! Jodie x
