Tag Archives: saving money

Life Update: Gigs, Happiness & Positivity

Gonna make this a quick one as it’s not been long since I last posted an update, but I wanted to talk about a couple of positive things! I am 100% genuinely unbreakably happy, for the first time in a long long time 😀 

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I am currently looking into putting on my Rock Nights at a selection of different venues around Southampton. We shall see how that goes!
So far I have 12th October at The Stage Door, 14th December at The Joiners and 29th March at The Heartbreakers.
I really want to start to get them up and running; I’d also really love to do a “women of rock” sort of gig as well; there’s so many awesome female bands out there.
All I say for now is to watch this space for sure.
10th August 2019 is my festival : “RockFest” – so keep your ear to the ground for that one.

It’s also been thrown around about the possibility of putting on a joint show with Mark Christansen of Total Entertainment South Wales. Mark said he is up for it…so who knows! 😀

In the meantime, bands please do keep pestering me and popping up… ask for shows, send me your music. I love it, I really do, even if it takes me a little while I’ll always get back to you. Bands who’ve already asked for shows – I’ve not forgot you, I really am just working out line-ups etc, so if I’ve said I’ll get you a slot… I will. Promise. ❤
I think I underestimate myself A LOT. I always think no one wants to play my shows, then I get like 20 bands hit me up haha. Like my festival… over 200 bands have applied….. like…. HOW?!

On this note also, I’m getting involved in my friend Rowena’s project. She wants to start a magazine for alternative people – I absolutely love writing, as you can see, so I kindly offered my ‘skills’ and I’m currently bulk writing a bunch of stuff for her so she can pick and choose what she likes.


My boys are absolutely gorgeous – although they have melted in this heat! They’ve got used to me now, and they actually love me haha! Billy is still my boy – I dunked him in some water the other day, to try get him used to it… no one has ever clung on to me that tight before; however, he loves it now. He gives kisses, he’s a sucker for attention. Tedster is cage protective, but outside the cage he’s absolutely fine – but if I say “careful, because Teddy bites”, I do mean it, please don’t stick your fingers in the cage. Some rats just have personalities like that, like all animals… it’s fine, he ain’t aggressive 🙂 Can’t say either of them are a lover of this heat wave though.

They are still the best decision I have made this year. They’ve made my life so much more bearable and fulfilling. ❤


With Kyle Hughes and Michael McCrystal @ The Anvil

Gigs I have been to over the last few months include: 2 Rolling Stones gigs, and of course my very own Marco Mendoza show.
Massive thank you to The Kut, Hightown Parade & The Wilderpeople who played at the Anvil as support for Marco – it sold out! FUCK YEA! Was an amazing night, and a huge thanks to those of my friends who came for moral support – you’re beautiful.
I didn’t get to fully enjoy the Stones gig in Southampton, just because my mind was on other things and I wasn’t relaxed enough to fully take it in; however, the Cardiff gig was absolute perfection… and quite honestly stuck all my broken pieces back together in one incredibly smooth swoop.

I may quite possibly going to be taking up travelling to gigs again! I miss my pals, and I’m feeling a lot more ME. I’m coming back I PROMISE! I’m trying to save money at the moment, so that I can actually start hopping on trains and going to anywhere I want without having to think too hard about it – like the good old times!

However… saying that…. I did bugger off to Birmingham quite last minute. Took myself off to see the Stop Stop boys with Jolly Joker and Sykko Dolls. I’ve not seen my Stop Stop boys for 10 months!!! Which is beyond INSANE! They were brilliant as always; I didn’t realise how much I missed them until I saw them again ❤


I’ve been practicing mindfulness – it is quite rewarding. I’ve started going to zumba classes, going on walks, started seeing the people who actually make the effort to see me or phone to check in if we’ve not spoke for a while, really concentrating on getting these gigs up and running etc. I’m in such a good place mentally, like fresh air.

I’ve completely acknowledged the fact that towards the end of last year, and most of this year I’ve just been a really shitty person. I made so many mistakes, and wish I could go back in time and just not make them – but that isn’t possible. All I can do is accept the fact that I totally 100% fucked up big time, and just do everything in my power not to do those things ever again and to be a better person, and the best version of myself.
You can’t even begin to get better, if you don’t accept your wrongs first.

I also met up with a few friends, who I had not seen in a long long time. We went to the beach, got ourselves a McDonald’s, it was a proper banging night! Helped bring a lot of closure as well. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, and I can finally breathe.

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There honestly isn’t much to update you on, other than… I’m in a good place and trying to improve on myself. Simples! My next sort of update will be my yearly “blog to future Jodie” in August… so keep a look out for that one. ❤

I hope you guys have enjoyed getting updated! Keep yourself happy, put yourself first, love yourself, appreciate life around you, and just breeeaaaatthhheee…. things may suck right now, but there is always a positive somewhere in there if you dig deep enough – relish in that… even if it seems stupid to others. TRUST ME ❤

Keep an eye out for me on my social media – keep on bugging me, I love it! Tell me what bands you wanna see play… or even reach out just if you need someone to talk to 🙂
INSTAGRAM – JodieBowie
FACEBOOK – JodieBowie

See you soon lovelies ❤

Jodie x ❤ x

Mica drawing