Tag Archives: boogle

Rattie Introductions

I thought it would be rather sweet to sum up my rats personalities in a little blog. Ultimately they are both little shits (I mean that with the up-most of affections), but they both have characters of their own….. and it’s real hard to pick a favourite!! 

First of all, I renamed them. Del Boy & Rodney just didn’t suit them. After a week of just staring at them blankly, I just knew that their new names should be Billy & Teddy… ❤


Billy Bae ❤

Billy is the quieter one of the two. He quite likes to keep himself to himself; but has recently began to love exploring. He is also super skinny!! Billy is my bae ❤ he’s so adorable, he even comes to see me when I come home late at night, no treat needed! He’ll let me stroke him a lot when he’s asleep, and if you sing slow songs, he’ll curl into a ball and fall asleep… it’s heart melting!! He mostly sleeps in the rope hammock or under the sputnik. He is quite skittish to start with, but he’s also really laid back now. He used to hate being touched, now he loves it, especially when he’s sleepy. He’s also a huge pasta lover – so he’s totally a rat after my heart.


Teddy… he’s the climber!! He’s also a moody little sod. I swear he has multiple personality disorder. Sometimes he loves me, with and without food as a reward… and sometimes he genuinely hates me and will either bite me or hide. He is a big foodie, he even steals food from Billy and runs away and hides it for later. I named him Teddy cos he’s like a mini bear… and he’s got a big butt! Teddy likes to bite/nibble my nails. He likes to sleep in the chocolate orange box my Dad gave them to play with – I thought I lost him the other day, but he was just asleep in the cardboard box! He likes to hide. It’s is thing. Hiding and climbing… and eating!! He was also the first to boogle. I’m actually having a few slight problems with Teddy at the moment, as in he has bitten me, and does bite A LOT. I think it is just a territorial thing, but I’m working super hard to get him to stop. He is totally fine with Billy, just bites me.
Me & Teddy don’t always get along, but he is the one who is most likely to climb on me and was the first one to do so……. he’s just my grumpy little man. ❤

It sounds bizarre, but having them in my room has actually helped me sleep a lot! It’s like, I know there is someone else in the room so I’m not lonely anymore. Although they are still going through the play-fighting stage and make quite a bit of noise…it’s still really comforting to go to sleep to those noises. I guess I feel safer. Safer in my house, safer in myself…..
I no longer feel the need to be in pain, they’ve helped with my insomnia, they’ve given me a purpose and something I have to do, I just sit and watch them, talk to them, they make me feel like I’m no longer alone, I get to see them every single day, when I’m down I’ll sit by the cage and they’ll just climb on me and sniff me.

We may not always see eye to eye… but they are still my little babies, and I love them a lot ❤

Gimme tips and tricks about your pet rats! Would love some advice. What are your ratties like?
Leave a comment down below, or get in touch via my social media.

P.S I will be doing a “Meet My Rats” blog; which will include a lot more rat specific info once they are fully tame and settled…. and I genuinely have some advice to give!!

Besos!! Jodie x
