Tag Archives: snacks

A Month with Billy & Teddy <3

It has been a whole month since I got my adorable little boys! I think they deserve an ickle blog to celebrate the cuteness and also how they have impacted my life in general ❤ 


Little munchkins ❤

Billy and Teddy are my two little ratties. I got them on the 8th February 2018. I love them more than anything in the world, they have brought so much happiness to my life that I will never regret owning them.. ever! They are here to stay.

1. Pet rats are known to help their owners with depression, anxiety, PTSD and even autism.
2. They are very clean animals, and are actually cleaner than cats.
3. Rats are really great swimmers.
4. They may be small, but have BIG personalities.
5. They love to form a bond with their human/owner.
6. Rats make happy ‘laughter’ sounds when they play.
7. Rats actually have a pretty varied diet.
8. Rats have amazing memories, and can recognise a person they have seen before.
9. A rats teeth never stop growing.
10. They are not as gross and scary as you think they are.

1. Do they smell? – Not as bad as my dog!
2. Do they bite? – Uhm, not really. Teddy is a biter/snatcher… but I don’t think he means to hurt, he’s just being curious/over excited.
3. Do they keep you awake at night? – From someone who suffers insomnia, no not at all.
4. How did you get your parents to agree to have them? – I didn’t. I bought them with my own money, and told me that I WILL look after them, they are my animals and I’ll pay for their needs. They didn’t say anything after that. They don’t like them though haha.
5. Are you not scared of them? – Uh…. NO.


Sweetie pie 🙂

Nicknames: Bills Bills Bills, Billy Bae, Babey

Personality: He is an absolute sweetheart, who is impossible not to love. He’s captured my heart and is a proper Mummy’s boy. He’s always poking his little nose through the bars to say hello to me. He’s just cute and adorable… he’s my love ❤

Fave treat: Pasta!!

Fave toy: Lave ledge. He stands on it to look at me all the time.

Fave place to sleep: Rope hammock

Cute moment: He licked my tears away after I had a bit of a ‘moment’. Was so adorable.


Sniff Sniff

Nicknames : Tedster, Teddy Bear, Bear

Personality : Mr. Grumpy guts. He likes to do his own thing and kind of be left to it. However, he is the first out of the cage. He’s a massive foodie, and also quite temperamental. Some times he’ll be all over you, and others he’ll make it clear he doesn’t want to be social with you.

Fave treat: Peanut butter!

Fave toy: Kong! (you hide treats in it)

Fave place to sleep: Sputnik

Cute moment: He took a big chunk of peanut butter and just looked like a greedy guts.

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I think my friends actually like them as much as I do because they see how happy they make me. People used to ask me how I am all the time, now they ask how the boys are… so cute! The best comment I have had is “I don’t like rats, but yours are cute” haha ❤

I really don’t know what I would do without my babies, I really don’t. I strongly do believe I wouldn’t still be around if I didn’t have them. I think it was fate and some sort of destiny that brought them into my life; and I will be forever grateful to my bundles of happiness for making me smile each and every day ❤ Love you beans! ❤

Make sure to go and follow me on social media to see more of my ratties 🙂
FACEBOOK: JodieBowie
INSTAGRAM : JodieBowie

Seeya next time x

Jodie x
