Tag Archives: running

Bands That Have Helped My Mental Health Recently (Bands I Run To)

I thought I’d share some positivity in the form of music! Here are some of the bands that keep my spirit lifted when I’m not feeling the best. Maybe they’ll help boost your mood too!

These are the bands 10 times out of 10 I’ll have blasting through my ears when I’m on my run/walk around town 3-4 times a day!

It’s funny isn’t it… if you think about it… music is actually super personal! You can learn a lot about an individual by the music they listen to. I never used to think too much about it, but writing this now, I think it’s quite exciting to learn about people via the means of music!

The Struts
Who doesn’t like The Struts? One day I’ll have as much confidence as Luke Spiller, and maybe one day I’ll even look like him… that’s the friggin’ goal. He’s one gorgeous talented creature that is for sure. Right, let’s stop gawping.
The Struts have so many feel good songs, I honestly can’t help but throw some moves to them. They make my heart beat faster, get my adrenaline pumping, they unlock that little box that has all my serotonin and dopamine kept in it and it comes flooding out when I listen to these guys. This band makes me feel so damn SEXY. I could be strutting down the street, greasy hair up in a ponytail, stale perfume, no makeup… and I’d still feel like the most confident badass in the world – capable of achieving my dreams and grabbing them with both hands. They made me realise that I deserve better, and I am the only people in this world that can give that to myself.
The best thing about this band is that it really doesn’t matter whether you are stone cold sober or completely rat arse drunk… they still sound out of this world and give you the feeling of an orgasm. Can you tell I really like this band yet?
Put Your Money On Me
Primadonna Like Me
Dirty Sexy Money

Kris Barras
Barras is usually on an absolute constant repeat. First thing in the morning, the second my eyes open… reach for the Spotify app… play Kris Barras. SORTED. I’m not sure what it is, but Kris Barras always manages to get me pumped and ready for the day – especially when I used to have to get up for work. I can listen to Kris play guitar all day, I’m always utterly mesmerised when I see him play live. His songs have such attitude, and we know I’m a sucker for anything with proper hearty punchy riffs, and that is exactly what he offers. He is also such a wonderful lyricist and it is a delight to hear him sing. Kris Barras is very talented and I genuinely enjoy just chilling out and embracing that talent. However, I find when I’m out on my walk or run (no matter what time of day) his songs are so motivating and I always come back home with a little more fire in my belly, and a lot more belief in myself. There isn’t a single mood where I won’t listen to Kris Barras – his music has comforted me when I am sad, and it’s also brought me joy when I’m happy. If you’ve ever seen me about town, speed walking around with my headphones in and I’m totally in my own little world and zoned out…. I will definitely be rocking out to Kris Barras. Good luck trying to get my attention when his music is playing!
What You Get
I’m Gone

Steel Panther
If you really really really love me… then you’ll listen to Steel Panther with me. You know, sometimes… the only thing you really really need is… STEEL PANTHER! If I’ve got a bit of a grump on, or I feel like I can take on the entire universe and win, then these are the boys I’m blasting through my earholes. They help me to remember what life was like outside of a pandemic and help to remind me that there is so much life outside of the town I live in. I love the fact that they write all lyrics so many people are too scared to put into a song, and it isn’t rap music… it’s 80’s hair metal! YES QUEENS!!
This band really unleash my inner lioness. I feel the need to backcomb my hair, pull on my ripped leggins and try to lick everything in sight. As the saying goes “you don’t know the real Jodie till you’ve seen her dance to Steel Panther“, and it is so true! Steel Panther are my F*CK YOU band, they help get rid of all that built up negativity I keep locked away deep inside but they also fill me right up to the brim with confidence and give me an ego boost so if anyone was to come up to me and decide to be a bit of a dick, it wouldn’t be their best decision.
17 Girls In A Row
If You Really Really Love Me
Tiger Woods

Paul Weller
Even though this guy is the definition of a musical genius, I seem to gravitate to him most in my lowest of moods. Maybe the emotions hit differently or something. He just seems to know how to heal open wounds, with his smooth like chocolate vocals, and his genuine genius lyrics partnered with the most gorgeous guitar tunes you could ever dream of. When I’m in a hole that is basically drowning in sadness and I’m sinking very quickly into a depression or fit of anxiety, I always go to Weller. I love his music all the time, he is a God like genius; but when I’m out on my walks and I’m feeling incredibly alone and have a lot of sad emotions I haven’t quite got out my system yet, I’ll have Weller in my ears. I’ll completely zone out and switch off from the outside world and immerse myself in his music, remembering a really beautiful period of my life and I always seem to imagine myself looking my absolute best, in stiletto heels and a gorgeous sequined dress and I’ll be dancing like I know how to dance and in those moments, life will seem peaceful again. Nothing calms me more than Weller.
Above The Clouds
Out Of The Sinking
Saturns Pattern

The Treatment
You can’t get much more upbeat and motivating than The Treatment. I always stick on The Treatment when I need to kick my arse into action. I have the best job in the entire world… I get to work with rock bands! Every little girls dream right? No? Well it was mine! Being a pretty little princess never appealed to me, I always wanted to be a badass independent rocker. However, sometimes I get stuck in a rut and have little to no motivation… but The Treatment pick me up by my lady bollocks and shout in my face “hey! look! we’re awesome, and so are all the other bands! get up, get dressed, go on that run and organise a damn festival!“. They are a great band to listen to on a run or walk, I’m always singing along out loud – I probably make the locals worry! There is so much power behind them, in the drums, in the vocals and in the guitars. It really does drive you to achieve your goals and to be the absolute best you can be. They demand to be listened to LOUD! I always feel like the rock chick I am after a good head banging session to these guys. Sometimes we need a kick up the butt and a proper look in the mirror to go out there and be proud of who we are!
Let It Begin
Rat Race
Let’s Get Dirty

The Who
A band of my childhood! I have to admit, The Who sound the best in the summer… I’m not sure why I think that, but during the hot weather The Who are my GO TO! I love listening to The Who, I just have a lot of good memories and vibes attached to this band. I get a prop buzz when I get their lyrics right as well… there just isn’t anyone writing songs like they did back in the day. Take me right back to my roots, remind me who I am at heart and that I am clever, passionate and kind of awesome in my own weird way. I gain a swagger in my walk, a spring in my step, a bounce in my hair, a confidence in my personality, I gain some faith in myself again when I rock out to The Who. They’ve been with me through my whole life pretty much, I don’t remember not being a fan of The Who. I am 100% authentic Jodie when I have this band in the background… the innocent, music loving, kind, sweet, passionate little rock ‘n’ roller I always am, ever since childhood. They should know!
Eminence Front
Won’t Get Fooled Again

I hope this blog has been somewhat interesting to read, perhaps you have decided to check out some awesome bands I have mentioned or maybe you even feel the same about a few I have named. I hope this has been a good read none the less.

Please do feel free to check me out on my social media platforms linked below:
FACEBOOK : JodieBowie
FACEBOOK : Nozfest
WEBSITE : www.nozfest.org
YOUTUBE : JodieBowie

See you soon!

Jodie x ❤ x

Tips on Getting Through Lockdown 2.0

As Lockdown is set to begin on Thursday 5th November, I thought I would get in a quick advice/tip guide on things to keep you preoccupied and ideas to take care of you’re mental health before we’re all in a similar position again. I hope this is a little helpful, feel free to put forward from suggestions yourself 🙂

Just thinking about burgers….

Hopefully this Lockdown is only a month long, we it should be a little more bearable in theory, but then again… it was Boris who said it would end on 2nd December and the last time he said something along those lines we were indoors for 3 months, so who knows at this point.

Just a quick little message – no matter what your beliefs, views or opinions are on this entire situation, I know how annoying it is, I understand it is difficult and irritating BUT… just follow the rules. Just do what you’re told, even if some of the rules seem completely pointless and useless, just do it… because the more of us follow these rules and guidelines, hopefully the quicker we can go back to a version of ‘normality’. The more of us being little rebels and reliving our youths by stockpiling, and having house parties and whatever else you feel like doing then the longer we all have to suffer the consequences. So social distance as much as possible, wear your mask when required, sanitize your hands… and BE KIND!!!

  1. Use This Extra Time To Express More Creativity
    If there is anything creative that you love doing, spend some more time doing it. Even if it something new you want to try, now is the time to pick it up and give it a go. We have a whole month of watching TV again, so use this time wisely and do more of the things you love. Creativity is one of the best ways to express yourself as well; I’m going to try and do a lot more blogging and putting more into my YouTube videos. I also love experimenting with makeup and I definitely have more time to play around with creating different looks. I’ll obviously be doing something musical as well because, I can’t NOT be doing anything music related – so singing, playing guitar, dancing… anything. Give it a go!
  2. Learn Something New
    Going on from what I just said, now is the time to learn something new. If there was anything you wish you did during Lockdown 1.0, you’ve been given a second chance at now completing that goal. I wish I spent more time learning about things that interest me, so I’ll probably be watching documentaries on subjects that interest me and getting more of an insight into those things. I also really enjoyed doing my CBT work – I’ll be getting counselling throughout lockdown so now is the perfect time for me to learn something about my mental health AND also learn how I can use what I learn from my own sessions to help others.
  3. Don’t Lose Contact With Those Who Keep Your Mind At Peace
    It is very rare in life that you will come across people who help you feel at peace. You know, those little gems of human beings that whenever you’re around them you feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders, or you feel like you can breathe again and relax? Don’t lose touch with those people, those are the people who will help you get through this uncertain time. They’re probably struggling too, so give them a little message now and again to see if they are doing okay. It wont hurt 🙂
  4. Read Some Books
    I’ll be reading again for sure! I managed to read a lot of books during Lockdown, which I’m so glad about because I wanted to get back into reading this year. My mind and life has been a little too swings and roundabouts lately that I either have felt like it or haven’t had the time to sit down and read – but now I have a month to get some books ticked off my list, so I’m totally going to do that. Reading is really good at helping to stimulate your brain, it also uses your imagination and you will learn something by reading. Reading is just a great way to spend your spare time… it is a wonderful source of escapism, and who doesn’t want to escape from 2020?
    I switched my phone off for a whole month during Lockdown, and I got so much done and my mental health felt better, I was happier and healthier. Social media is so negative, it is a great way to socialise especially now we can’t really do that physically, but it is full to the brim of negativity. I’m an overthinker, and my mobile phone causes me to overthink 100x more. I’ll constantly be checking my messages and notifications, then I’ll feel really down and low if there isn’t anything there for me to check… then I’ll assume no one likes me and so the cycle continues. Just turn it off. You don’t need it. You can’t go anywhere, no one is going anywhere. Have a breather, whether it is for an hour, a day or a week or more, just turn it off and see how peaceful your life will be.
  6. Go For A Walk
    Running & walking have been my saviours lately. I started walking every time I started thinking (which is quite a lot). Personally, I think it’s better to go out and think, rather than stay indoors stewing over something of nothing. Walking is proven to help with your mental health – it gets fresh air in your lungs, it keeps you active, it gives you a sense of achievement… it’s just an all round great way of staying on top of your mental and physical well being. You don’t have to go out for long, or go on some extravagant pre-planned hike. Just leave your front door and walk down the road, even if it’s for half an hour. I don’t always feel like going, but once I’ve gone and done it I always feel a lot better for doing so.
  7. Phone A Friend
    Most people will hopefully still be communicating with their friends during this time. Also keep in touch with your family too of course. Friends are awesome; they’ll know how to boost your mood and make you laugh. They’ll most likely be in the same situation as you as well, so you can both have a joke about it together. Videocall your friends as well – it is important to keep your interactions. Those are the people who have got your back, and who you’re going to be most excited to see when this has been lifted/eased… so try not to let your communications go down hill. Just because you can’t go out out, or to the pub etc. Your friendships are based on much deeper connections than ‘the pub’, well they should be anyway… so look after each other.
    It doesn’t take 5 minutes to tell/show someone you’re thinking of them.
  8. Be Thankful For What You Have Got
    I know it sounds cheesy, but take this time to be really thankful for what you have. I know everyone hates being told “other people have it worse”, but some other people may not have a home during this time, others may be losing their jobs, people may not be able to see their families etc.. everyone will be going through a different yet similar struggle, so just for a moment be thankful for what you have.
  9. Be KIND
    I know I’ve said this, but please please be kind to one another. If you see someone struggling, offer to be a support or to lend a helping hand. Just be a decent human being. I don’t know what happened after the last Lockdown, but everyone seemed to become selfish, ignorant, rude, nasty, a**holes (or they did in my town anyway). Don’t lose respect for this planet, other people or yourselves. We’re battling a virus not each other. Just be a little kinder, everyone is finding this time hard so don’t take your frustrations out on others. Rant to a friend, not a passing stranger in the street. It is no ones fault that we’re all going through this, we’re in this together.
  10. Cook
    Cook healthy meals. You’re allowed to go to the shops so you don’t need and never will need to stockpile. Do a meal plan with your household and cook and eat some nice meals. Obviously get the occasional takeaway because takeaways are epic BUT… you have all day to cook something nice. I ate way healthier in Lockdown because me and my Dad did all the shopping and the cooking and I actually quite liked food then – recently me and food don’t have the best of friendships, I much rather avoid it if I have the option to in all honesty, BUT there’s time to make something nice again. You can bake as well because cakes make people happy.
  11. Meditation and Mindfulness
    This probably sounds really silly to a lot of people, but meditation actually works. I was sceptical and thought it was pointless and that I looked stupid for doing it – but it has improved my life and my mental health. You have to be open minded, you have to let experiences happen and invite what you want into your life in order to receive it. It is a way of communicating with the universe. The universe isn’t against you, it is there to guide you. Trust what is happening to you. It may cause you pain sometimes, but trust the process. Mindfulness is also a good way of helping to relieve stress and anxiety. Work on your breathing. When you work on your breathing you will find it easier to control your mind and thoughts. Try it.
  12. Make The Most Of It
    If we really are only in Lockdown for a month, then it will fly by. So make the most of it! Watch all those movies on Netflix, eat all that chocolate you have hidden away down the side of your bed, drink way too much tea and coffee and be bouncing off the walls, lounge in your pyjamas all day, don’t get out of bed until past 1pm, order enough pizza to feed the neighbourhood and binge watch your favourite TV series, play your music way too loud and annoy everyone in your house, post funny stuff on your social media accounts and make random people smile, be a little beacon of light in a dark period of time. Be you, be proud of you, love yourself, be utterly smitten with yourself and take care of yourself. You are the person who is going to get you through this, so make the most of all the free time that you have to yourself. We don’t get given opportunities like this very often, so even though it is a rather shitty circumstance… make the most of it.

I hope this has been of some help to some people, and perhaps put a little light on a crappy situation. We’ve got this! We’ve done this before, we know the drill. Let’s not be dickheads about it.

You can follow me on social media too, I’m going to try to be pretty active and hopefully somewhat entertaining:
INSTAGRAM – JodieBowie
FACEBOOK – JodieBowie
FACEBOOK – Nozfest
FB GROUP – Nozfest
WEBSITE – www.nozfest.org
YOUTUBE – JodieBowie

See you all soon!

Love you ❤

Jodie x ❤ x

Life Update: Walking, Why I Disappeared & GIGS!!

I thought perhaps it was time for another Life Update. I do enjoy writing these, and I think you guys enjoy reading them. It’s been a few months now, so it’s time to update you lovely lot again. Let’s get cracking!



Towards the end of lockdown I started going for an hours walk a day to get me back into things before returning to work. However, I enjoyed walking so much I carried it on. I installed a step-counting app and I’ve become a little obsessed with counting my steps now. I’ve been working myself up to walking 25,000 steps a day. I love it so much, and I can feel myself getting fitter! I even jog and run now – who’d have thought it.
I love being able to breathe in the fresh air, I feel like I’ve achieved something when I go for a walk, my mind is always a lot clearer as well (the fog gets lifted), also keeps me fit for both my jobs 😉
I actually have a body-shape and have lost a lot of weight, which I’m not mad about at all. Running, drinking water and cutting out alcohol has brought me a whole new lease of life, and I’m loving it!!!!

My mental health took a bit of a hit at the beginning of the month. For some reason a group of people at the local pub decided it would be great entertainment to start several rumours about me and start on me in person. It really did effect me and I lost a few really special people in the process which has really upset me. I still have days where I will spend the whole day crying about what happened, and to a lot of people it probably isn’t that big of a deal, and I’m being dramatic etc, but when I say it upset me, I mean it full on broke me. I’ve never had rumours spread about me, and I’ve never had someone get in my face for just sitting down; to then lose people who meant the world to me, honestly it was like someone ripped my heart out, threw it away and then shredded it.
Luckily my CBT Therapist got me to work on my Core Beliefs, and that has helped me realise that I am not some drama fuelled trouble making slut, I am actually a really nice person and those people who started all of the drama are probably just jealous and bored. Apparently it happens a lot at that pub, which is such a shame!!
I decided to actually deactivate all my social media accounts for well over a month – thank you to those kind people who took over looking after Nozfest for me while I had some proper me time to really reflect on life and recharge my batteries.
To help myself stay proper sane I’ve given up alcohol… again! I’m determined to stay teetotal for a good long while this time. I wasn’t a huge drinker anyway, only in social situations, but now all I drink is water or orange juice. Go me! I do feel a lot better not having alcohol – my mind is a lot clearer, and I’m a bit of an emotional drunk anyway which isn’t the best look haha.
I’ve been meditating for at least 30mins every night – I always wake up feeling calmer and at peace after I’ve done some meditation. It sounds like a technique that’s a bit of a cliché, but it really does work. I’ve also been taking Nytol which is a sleeping tablet – helps you fall asleep naturally, as my mind tends to overthink at night and it takes me hours to settle down.
CBT and a few lifestyle changes are keeping my spirits up 🙂


Business is beginning to pick back up again – FINALLY!! We have dates!! We have things to work for – yaaayy!!! We should all know by now that I have to be working on the next big project, usually while I’m still working on another. I just love what I do so much, it is my whole life, my whole world, it has 95% of my attention always, I’m always on the look out for new bands and ways to improve on my organisation and promotion etc.
We have a date for Nozfest 2022 – 3 bands have already been booked onto the line-up, we’ve had over 50 apply!! I’m also working on the line-up for the November Nozlite in 2021 – it’s all happening, and I couldn’t be more proud!
It really does surprise me when I hear about how excited bands get when they hear about opportunities with Nozfest etc, I think I underestimate myself a lot, but I have worked super hard to get to the position that I am in right now, and I will be forever grateful for all the love and support that I get from people – I couldn’t do any of my dreams without all of you guys! ❤
So, we have:
15th May 2021 – Nozlite
14th August 2021 – Nozfest
6th November 2021 – Nozlite.
Tickets : www.nozfest.org 

Following the pub incident, I actually reconnected with a lot of my old friends that I’ve known for 10 or more years, it’s been super lovely to see all their gorgeous faces again. Growing up is hard, because people start having their own lives and own commitments which sometimes makes it harder to actually see each other – but the great thing is, even though we are all on different paths now, when we do see each other, it’s like no time has past at all and we still love each other just as much as we always have done ❤
I’ve also been trying to make some new friends, because I don’t actually have any friends in the town I live, so I thought it was probably about time I tried to make some friends – I’ve actually met some really kind and cool people! I find it really hard to actually make friendships with girls – I just find them too bitchy and clicky, and I’m not into that kind of attitude and drama; guys are just easier to get along with… they generally don’t have any other motives than to just talk to you. Recently I’ve made a few female friends, and they are so cute and beautiful, I just wanna squish ’em! It’s nice to find people that have your back. Of course I’ve made a few guys friends too and they are equally gorgeous, in fact a few of them are now helping out at Nozfest which is super cool!!
It’ll be great to be back gigging as well, as a lot of my mates are usually at gigs or are the musicians playing… and those are my people you know, although they are more like family ❤

It’s a strange new world we live in right now isn’t it. I don’t know if I’m used to it quite yet, I hope we do eventually get back to some of normality – I’m not sure I’d like this to be our ‘new normal’. I don’t like all these masks and screens.
I’m not sure how anyone else is feeling or if it is just me, but everyone seems so much more moodier and horrible! Like politeness and being kind has just gone out the window. Maybe it’s because we’ve been stuck inside for so long? Not a lot of people seem to have respect for people and things anymore, and it’s quite sad to see really.


I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve bloody missed gigging! At the start of lockdown, I was sort of relieved, I was able to catch a break. Now I often find myself getting emotional, sat there thinking “I bloody miss my bands!!” and I do so so much. I’m used to seeing a band every weekend, if not more! I haven’t seen any bands or musicians so far this year – I’m freakin’ pining for it now.
I’ve booked up already to see a few bands. Going to see The Who in Cardiff as well as Thunder! I CANNOT WAIT, it’s going to be incredible. I’d love to find a group of people who’d wanna go gig travelling with me. Music is my thing and always will be. I need live music to help me function. I just miss everyone so damn much, and I can’t wait until we can all go out again and watch some incredible bands and create new magical memories. I guarantee you wont be able to drag me away from gigs in 2021 – but my whole world will be bands again ❤ Bands just seem to find their way into my life ❤
To go from over 40 shows a year, to none… sometimes I feel almost brain dead. Does anyone else get what I mean? It’s so hard to explain how important bands and music is to me, but even I didn’t realise that live music in particular is a huge part of who I am as a person.

Taken a long time to get there, but I made it in the end.
Having time to myself helped me remember who I am and I do actually enjoy and appreciate my own company. I don’t think I’m a bad person, but I have made mistakes… but so has everyone else, no one is perfect, we all have our faults, but I think my qualities outweigh anytime I’ve had a little wobble. At the end of the day, I have learnt that if people are okay with losing me, then that is on them – because I give so much to people, and I will always be the type of person who loves too much, and believes that everyone is worth a struggle; but I love that about me, because there are a lot of people out there in this world that wouldn’t give people another chance, and would write them off as soon as they made one tiny mistake. That isn’t me.
I will never need people in my life, I’m way too independent to need people to feel things – but, I will always want select people in my life, and I’ll never forget or give up on those people. If you are one of those people I want around, you’re lucky because I’m so much happier alone 95% of the time.


I decided to completely change my hair. I was kinda bored of the blonde anyway, there’s a lot of bad memories attached to the blonde hair and I just felt like it was time to get rid.
I chose to get the length cut too, it was getting pretty tatty at the ends anyway, and I do miss my really long hair a lot – but I think I look a little cuter when I headbang now with short hair haha. It is a lot easier to maintain, but I’m pretty sure I’ll end up growing it again because I usually always do that. I feel like I’m unleashing my inner Josh Todd!!
I also got the colour changed, so I’m now a brunette! Although in some lights it has a reddish tint to it which is pretty cool, my blonde is also still a little visable in certain light, but that’s because I got a balayage. I think in the future I’m going to go 100% dark brown, but not just yet. I’m just so thankful and relieved the blonde is GONE!! I feel like a whole different person, and I can feel the positivity coming back…. I know it’s just hair but… eugh, gosh it was a state!

I think that is all I really have to update you all on! I’m hopefully getting a new JodieBowie logo soon, so watch out for that 😉 I also have a personal instagram account… but I’ll let you search for that!
I hope this has been somewhat enjoyable to read, and maybe some of my experiences in life have helped some of you 🙂 I try to be 100% honest with you guys, because the world needs more open and honest people in it ❤ I love you guys!!

You can follow me on my social media accounts here:
INSTAGRAM – JodieBowie
FACEBOOK – JodieBowie
FACEBOOK – Nozfest
FB GROUP – Nozfest
YOUTUBE – JodieBowie

I love you all so much, thank you for all your support and for sticking around and being patient ❤

See you soon!

Jodie x ❤ x
