Tag Archives: exercise

JodieBowie: Things I’ve Learn’t Before Turning 27!

Of course this is a birthday post!! I do quite like to do these types of blogs too as I can see how much I have grown and learnt over the years, and maybe others can take some of my advice too before they reach this age.
I’ll tell you something… never expected to gain 2 stone and have eye wrinkles at this age, that’s something your elders will warn you of… but of course we never listen 😉

I have no idea how many things there will be in general! But I’m going to give this a go. I feel the most grown up I have probably ever felt, but I also still feel incredibly young. Perhaps I’m stuck in some sort of void-y vortex! I do feel like I have learnt an awful lot though, I’ve definitely grown a lot as a person too, even if it isn’t in height.

  1. Be careful what you eat! Because it’ll catch up on you.
    I was told this when I was about 16 years old, and I never took this advice because, food is yummy! But recently I’ve put on 2st in 4 months and I have never been so unhappy in my own body. Although, your body does change throughout life too. I’m 27, so my body is going to reflect being 27… I have hips, and thighs and boobs now etc.
  2. Be who YOU want to be, who you ARE!
    That good old Dr. Seuss quote of “people who mind, don’t matter. People who matter, don’t mind” is very much true. Life is too short to people please.
  3. Your friends can be wrong, and so can your family.
    People can give you advice until they are blue in the face, and you don’t have to take it. Truth is, no one knows you or your situation better than YOU. So if people get annoyed at you for ‘not listening’, remember, they only know what you chose to show/tell them… so they don’t know the whole picture. Only you do.
  4. There’s NO rush.
    Just because everyone else is learning to drive, moving out, getting engaged or married, having children etc, doesn’t mean you’re behind. Everyone’s life is different, and it’s okay to go at your own pace or allow your life to take the form it’s working out with.
  5. Research before buying a pet.
    Trust me, this is some proper adult advice here. Not every pet is going to be suitable for you and your lifestyle, so it’s super important that you know 90% about that animal before you go and buy it. Plus it’s a lot harder than buying it food the pet store sells because 90% of the time, it’s not good for your pet.
  6. Maintaining friendships grows harder with age.
    I have less than a handful of friends, and I see none of them regularly. It is hard and sometimes lonely, but life gets in the way a lot, people move away, people’s jobs can be restricting, people have families, sometimes you just fall out.
  7. Your taste buds WILL change.
    They really do! I can now eat olives, marmalade and twiglets without heaving! I actually enjoy them. Obviously not together though.
  8. Always have savings, or money put-by.
    With this current climate it’s more important than ever to save for a rainy day. You never know when butter is suddenly going to cost you £9.
  9. You will love more than one person.
    I know movies like to tell you that there is only ‘the one’, but that isn’t always true for everyone. You may have many ‘ones’ and you’ll love them all, for all completely different reasons, and that’s okay. That is life.
  10. You’ll grow to really love a card.
    I’ve never really been a huge card person to be honest. I don’t really give cards etc. But this year, I have actually really appreciated getting a Birthday card, Christmas card etc. It’s just nice to know someone thought about you enough to buy a card. It’s actually a really lovely gesture. We take cards for granted when money is in them haha.
  11. Drama no longer interests you.
    Come on, we all love a bit of gossip. But when there’s proper drama and you happen to be involved, it totally isn’t a vibe anymore. BUT it does mean you’re more likely to just get on and resolve issues, rather than sit in the whole “we’re not talking” stage.
  12. You learn a lot about your own mind.
    Honestly, I know a lot about how my brain works now. I know when something is going to cause me to wobble, or if I’m feeling a particular way for a certain reason and why my brain is saying the things it is. So you learn how to control your thoughts a bit more, and how things work. I mean therapy was probably a big help too. Learning how the mind works is such a useful technique for life.
  13. Being happy with your own company will be your saviour.
    Being lonely is a horrible feeling, and we all experience it at some point. But learning to enjoy our own company and do things by ourselves can actually be a really good thing. I try to take myself out sometimes and go to the cinema, or for breakfast, for walks, shopping etc.
  14. You will not be everyone’s cup of tea.
    And it isn’t your responsibility to change that. Some people just don’t like you, there doesn’t even have to be a reason, people will have opinions of you without even knowing you. We are all guilty of it. Don’t let it eat away at you though, because there’s literally nothing you can do about it. As long as you believe in yourself, love yourself, are confident in yourself… then those ‘haters’ don’t mean anything.
  15. It’s important to do things you might not necessarily want to do.
    Make memories! Just because it isn’t ‘your thing’, doesn’t mean it won’t be fun. Sometimes you have to go out of your comfort zone to actually enjoy life. Do the things that scare you sometimes, push yourself a little and you’ll end up creating fantastic memories for yourself.
  16. You CAN do it.
    People throughout your life will tell you that you can’t do things. I don’t know why, but sometimes people like to restrict others potential to make themselves feel better. It’s important to remember that you CAN do things though. Just because one person says you can’t doesn’t mean it’s not true. You don’t know until you try.
  17. You’re never too old.
    People often say “I’m too old for that”, or “you’re too old for this” etc… but it simply isn’t true. You’re never too old for anything. Ever. Have FUN man, you have one life. Don’t be a spoil sport.
  18. It’s Okay To Take Time Out
    Especially at this age/period of life. If you want to take time out for a moment to either figure things out, or explore, or work on a project your passionate about. Just do it. You may not get another chance in your life to fully enjoy this moment, this age. So if you’re feeling like you just want to do your own thing for a bit, even if it’s for a minimal amount of time… just do it. Why not…? (Unless you really can’t obviously).

I can’t think of any more! Damn it! But I hope there is something here that people can relate to, or even take note of before they turn my age ahaha. I’m preparing you! But I suppose this could also count for all ages really.
We only get one shot at life, do things that you want to do, feel how YOU want to feel, form your own opinions, learn from others, embrace that weird thing you love without feeling bad about yourself for it, be a little too much for some people, drown out negativity with really loud music, learn a new skill, change jobs if you want to, don’t be scared of the future.

Don’t forget to check me out on social media:
FACEBOOK: JodieBowie
FB GROUP: Nozfest
WEBSITE: www.nozfest.org

See you on the next one!

Jodie x ❤ x

Bands That Have Helped My Mental Health Recently (Bands I Run To)

I thought I’d share some positivity in the form of music! Here are some of the bands that keep my spirit lifted when I’m not feeling the best. Maybe they’ll help boost your mood too!

These are the bands 10 times out of 10 I’ll have blasting through my ears when I’m on my run/walk around town 3-4 times a day!

It’s funny isn’t it… if you think about it… music is actually super personal! You can learn a lot about an individual by the music they listen to. I never used to think too much about it, but writing this now, I think it’s quite exciting to learn about people via the means of music!

The Struts
Who doesn’t like The Struts? One day I’ll have as much confidence as Luke Spiller, and maybe one day I’ll even look like him… that’s the friggin’ goal. He’s one gorgeous talented creature that is for sure. Right, let’s stop gawping.
The Struts have so many feel good songs, I honestly can’t help but throw some moves to them. They make my heart beat faster, get my adrenaline pumping, they unlock that little box that has all my serotonin and dopamine kept in it and it comes flooding out when I listen to these guys. This band makes me feel so damn SEXY. I could be strutting down the street, greasy hair up in a ponytail, stale perfume, no makeup… and I’d still feel like the most confident badass in the world – capable of achieving my dreams and grabbing them with both hands. They made me realise that I deserve better, and I am the only people in this world that can give that to myself.
The best thing about this band is that it really doesn’t matter whether you are stone cold sober or completely rat arse drunk… they still sound out of this world and give you the feeling of an orgasm. Can you tell I really like this band yet?
Put Your Money On Me
Primadonna Like Me
Dirty Sexy Money

Kris Barras
Barras is usually on an absolute constant repeat. First thing in the morning, the second my eyes open… reach for the Spotify app… play Kris Barras. SORTED. I’m not sure what it is, but Kris Barras always manages to get me pumped and ready for the day – especially when I used to have to get up for work. I can listen to Kris play guitar all day, I’m always utterly mesmerised when I see him play live. His songs have such attitude, and we know I’m a sucker for anything with proper hearty punchy riffs, and that is exactly what he offers. He is also such a wonderful lyricist and it is a delight to hear him sing. Kris Barras is very talented and I genuinely enjoy just chilling out and embracing that talent. However, I find when I’m out on my walk or run (no matter what time of day) his songs are so motivating and I always come back home with a little more fire in my belly, and a lot more belief in myself. There isn’t a single mood where I won’t listen to Kris Barras – his music has comforted me when I am sad, and it’s also brought me joy when I’m happy. If you’ve ever seen me about town, speed walking around with my headphones in and I’m totally in my own little world and zoned out…. I will definitely be rocking out to Kris Barras. Good luck trying to get my attention when his music is playing!
What You Get
I’m Gone

Steel Panther
If you really really really love me… then you’ll listen to Steel Panther with me. You know, sometimes… the only thing you really really need is… STEEL PANTHER! If I’ve got a bit of a grump on, or I feel like I can take on the entire universe and win, then these are the boys I’m blasting through my earholes. They help me to remember what life was like outside of a pandemic and help to remind me that there is so much life outside of the town I live in. I love the fact that they write all lyrics so many people are too scared to put into a song, and it isn’t rap music… it’s 80’s hair metal! YES QUEENS!!
This band really unleash my inner lioness. I feel the need to backcomb my hair, pull on my ripped leggins and try to lick everything in sight. As the saying goes “you don’t know the real Jodie till you’ve seen her dance to Steel Panther“, and it is so true! Steel Panther are my F*CK YOU band, they help get rid of all that built up negativity I keep locked away deep inside but they also fill me right up to the brim with confidence and give me an ego boost so if anyone was to come up to me and decide to be a bit of a dick, it wouldn’t be their best decision.
17 Girls In A Row
If You Really Really Love Me
Tiger Woods

Paul Weller
Even though this guy is the definition of a musical genius, I seem to gravitate to him most in my lowest of moods. Maybe the emotions hit differently or something. He just seems to know how to heal open wounds, with his smooth like chocolate vocals, and his genuine genius lyrics partnered with the most gorgeous guitar tunes you could ever dream of. When I’m in a hole that is basically drowning in sadness and I’m sinking very quickly into a depression or fit of anxiety, I always go to Weller. I love his music all the time, he is a God like genius; but when I’m out on my walks and I’m feeling incredibly alone and have a lot of sad emotions I haven’t quite got out my system yet, I’ll have Weller in my ears. I’ll completely zone out and switch off from the outside world and immerse myself in his music, remembering a really beautiful period of my life and I always seem to imagine myself looking my absolute best, in stiletto heels and a gorgeous sequined dress and I’ll be dancing like I know how to dance and in those moments, life will seem peaceful again. Nothing calms me more than Weller.
Above The Clouds
Out Of The Sinking
Saturns Pattern

The Treatment
You can’t get much more upbeat and motivating than The Treatment. I always stick on The Treatment when I need to kick my arse into action. I have the best job in the entire world… I get to work with rock bands! Every little girls dream right? No? Well it was mine! Being a pretty little princess never appealed to me, I always wanted to be a badass independent rocker. However, sometimes I get stuck in a rut and have little to no motivation… but The Treatment pick me up by my lady bollocks and shout in my face “hey! look! we’re awesome, and so are all the other bands! get up, get dressed, go on that run and organise a damn festival!“. They are a great band to listen to on a run or walk, I’m always singing along out loud – I probably make the locals worry! There is so much power behind them, in the drums, in the vocals and in the guitars. It really does drive you to achieve your goals and to be the absolute best you can be. They demand to be listened to LOUD! I always feel like the rock chick I am after a good head banging session to these guys. Sometimes we need a kick up the butt and a proper look in the mirror to go out there and be proud of who we are!
Let It Begin
Rat Race
Let’s Get Dirty

The Who
A band of my childhood! I have to admit, The Who sound the best in the summer… I’m not sure why I think that, but during the hot weather The Who are my GO TO! I love listening to The Who, I just have a lot of good memories and vibes attached to this band. I get a prop buzz when I get their lyrics right as well… there just isn’t anyone writing songs like they did back in the day. Take me right back to my roots, remind me who I am at heart and that I am clever, passionate and kind of awesome in my own weird way. I gain a swagger in my walk, a spring in my step, a bounce in my hair, a confidence in my personality, I gain some faith in myself again when I rock out to The Who. They’ve been with me through my whole life pretty much, I don’t remember not being a fan of The Who. I am 100% authentic Jodie when I have this band in the background… the innocent, music loving, kind, sweet, passionate little rock ‘n’ roller I always am, ever since childhood. They should know!
Eminence Front
Won’t Get Fooled Again

I hope this blog has been somewhat interesting to read, perhaps you have decided to check out some awesome bands I have mentioned or maybe you even feel the same about a few I have named. I hope this has been a good read none the less.

Please do feel free to check me out on my social media platforms linked below:
FACEBOOK : JodieBowie
FACEBOOK : Nozfest
WEBSITE : www.nozfest.org
YOUTUBE : JodieBowie

See you soon!

Jodie x ❤ x

CBT : Understanding Feelings

I have recently started using CBT to help with my mental health. There is a series on my blog which you should be able to find, I’ll link below.I thought I would share some of the things I have learnt with you guys. I know something like this would’ve helped me out so much before hand, so hopefully someone going through similar will find this and be able to have a little help and support 🙂
You can read the previous blog “Getting Started” here.

I just want to note, I am not a professional by any means, so don’t take everything I write down as fact – however, I am using all my notes I took during completing the modules to write these blogs. 



  • The relationship between our bodies and mood is complex. Each influence each other.
  • Our daily life choices can influence our mood and behaviours.
  • Sometimes we can experience our emotions through our bodies. For example; we might get physical pains when worried, such a tummy ache.
  • Our mood is the result of events, our thoughts, behaviours and body reactions.
  • Behaviours consist of what we do and what we don’t do.


The Function of our Emotions is to Help Us:
– Survive (fight, flight or freeze)
– Remember people or situations
– Handle situations in daily life
– Communicate with others
– Avoid harm or danger
– Seek pleasure

Your Emotions:
We all have lots of emotions in a day, or even in an hour! Tuning into these emotions allows you to choose a healthy response 🙂

When emotions are intense, long-lasting and impact what you do in an unhelpful way, then you may notice an unwanted impact on your everyday life. 

Situations & Emotions:
Stressful situations can trigger strong emotions. Naming these emotions in your own life can be a first step to handling them better.
Rating your emotions 1 to 10 can be useful. You become more aware of small changes in your mood.

Physical Body Reactions:
Our physical sensations can be important clues about the emotion we are experiencing.
E.g – a tensed jaw could indicate anger or anxiety.
Often we are unaware of our physical sensations until we become aware of our mood.

Fight, Flight or Freeze Response:
The ‘fight, flight or freeze’ response is a protective automatic reaction. It is important to remember that these physical reactions are not harmful. They are a common response to unhelpful thoughts.

The Fight or Flight Response and the Body:
1 – Dizziness : Some oxygen leaves the brain to go to vital areas of the body.
2Blurred Vision : The pupils dilate to let in more light for better vision.
3Dry Mouth : Less saliva & gastric juices are produced so energy can be used on other                               Vital Functions.
4Choking Sensation : You may feel muscle tension in your neck. You may breathe                              |                     faster to build up enough oxygen.
5Rapid Heartbeat : More blood & oxygen are being pumped to organs and muscle                                                  groups so we can move quickly.
6Tightness or chest pain : More muscle tension due to rapid breathing.
7Numbness : May be caused by breathing up too quickly or by the hairs on your arms                               & legs standing up. This may also be a result of the blood moving away                                   from the skin to reduce bleeding.
8Sickness or Butterflies : The body releases glucose from the liver. It shunts blood                                                             away from the gut. This causes the stomach’s own sensory                                                         nerves to react with feelings of butterflies or nausea.
9Shaking : Rapid digestion of glucose & increased adrenaline production can cause
hands to shake.
10Sweating : Helps to body to cool down. It makes us more slippery to dangerous
threats that want to grab us. It increases both our sense of smell and
our odour to others.
11Heavy Legs : Increased muscle tension allows you to move quickly.

Tune into Your Body:
Take some time to notice your body and what it might be telling you:
Is it tense? Tired?
Are your muscles relaxed or tight?
Has there been any change in your sleep or appetite?
Do you have enough energy to do what you need to do each day?
Once you have tuned into your physical sensations, you can use this information to help you in two ways:
1. To help to see the emotions that you are experiencing;
2. To stop cycles by trying to change the physical sensations.

Lifestyle Choices:
Making a few simple changes can have a positive impact on our thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
SLEEPcan have a huge impact on mood.
– Sleep and wake at a regular time each day.
– Only sleep when tired.
– Exercise during the day.
– Avoid napping.
– Create a sleeping space.
– Start a bedtime routine.
– Avoid using your bed for anything other than sleep or sex.
– Avoid stimulating substances 4-6 hours before bed.
ALCOHOL – is a depressant that can contribute to low mood.
Keeping an alcohol diary can give you an insight on how alcohol is affecting your mood. It is up to you to decide if the benefits outweigh the costs.
DIET – for some people food & mood have a complex relationship.
A good diet includes:
1. Balance
2. Complex Carbs
3. Protein
4. Fresh fruits and vegetables
5. Fats
6. Fibre
7. Water
8. Breakfast!!
Moderation is key : as long as most of what we eat is healthy, we can allow ourselves a treat now and then.
CAFFEINE – drinking large amounts of caffeine can result in dependency.
(coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate). Caffeine is a stimulant that causes temporary improvements in mental and physical functions.
Enzymes in fresh fruit can be energising. Skip coffee and choose an apple of a juice in the morning.
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY – is an essential part in staying well both mentally and physically.
– Exercise produces serotonin and dopamine. The same ‘feel-good’ chemicals used in anti-depressants.
– Taking part in physical activity leads to a strong sense of achievement and well being.
– Including exercise into your daily routine can improve sleep.
MEDICATION – there are somethings you should be aware of when taking medication.
– Safely taking medication : as prescribed by your doctor only.
– Potential negative effects of medication on physical functioning: some effect mood, physical side effects, mimic physical symptoms of depression or anxiety.

TFB Cycle : Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviours.
7b74a0_150c4f21b7c34c3dbb696e8ab7b76428~mv2_d_1594_1249_s_2Mapping Lifestyle Choices:
Mood Monitor :
– How were you feeling?
Bad, not okay, okay, good, great.
– At what time? What influenced your mood?
e.g – I felt ‘great’ at 5:28pm because the sun was shining.
Lifestyle Choice :
Sleep? Alcohol? Diet? Caffeine? Physical Activity? Medication?
e.g – I got 8 hours sleep. I ate a balanced meal. I swapped coffee for fruit, I didn’t drink alcohol today as I had medication to take and I went for a walk. 
Or equally you can document which lifestyle choice you made that day.

Staying in the Present:
Staying in the present involves having a non-judgemental, inviting awareness of “now”. Connecting with the present and reflecting on your feelings or thoughts in that moment, can help you to become more aware of how you respond to various situations.


That is all for this blog! I hope you have learned something from the Understanding Feelings module.
Not every part of CBT will be helpful to everyone, but sometimes it is good and useful to take away some new skills and information.
The next blog I will be showing you tips on Boosting Behaviour.

Don’t forget to follow me on my own CBT journey:
INSTAGRAM : JodieBowie
FACEBOOK : JodieBowie
YOUTUBE : JodieBowie

See you soon ❤
